CanvasRebel Interviews TSR's Founder About The State Of Small Business and Spirits

In a new interview with CanvasRebel, TSR co-founder Orlando Lima talks about the spirits industry and the challenges facing small businesses. "We’ve been led to believe we’re all in competition, when the reality is we’re not," Lima says in the piece, titled, "Meet Orlando Lima."

"There’s a small class of large corporations that control most industries, including spirits. Small businesses don’t have the capital, staff or resources to compete with them," says Lima. "To level the playing field you need allies and that requires small businesses to assume a bit more risk to work with one another."

An off-shoot of VoyageLA, CanvasRebel uses storytelling to shine a light on those using their art, instincts and entrepreneurship to make a difference in the world. In the interview, Lima talks about his journey from working in journalism and media to the spirits industry. He also discusses his plans for the future, including the launch of his own whiskey brand, Kinfolk Trust, and the neccesity of being adaptable in an unpredictable economic landscape.

"We have to be honest about the fact that our entire economy, in every field, is suffering from consolidation," says Lima. "If you find yourself under siege from the large corporations you have to be willing to pivot every 18 months and do things the big boys haven’t seen yet. It’s hard work because it’s like starting a new business all over again."

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