Mic Interviews OJ And Pierre

At the end of 2020 Mic approached us about doing an interview. They have a history of writing features on people working in uncommon spaces and felt our story fit that mold. It's a great read and captures what we set out to accomplish with TSR in terms of widening the aperture in spirits for women and people of color. Excerpt below: 

How 2 Whiskey Lovers Shattered The Industry's Boozy Pretensions

By Stephanie Smith-Strickland
March 8, 2021

“I was a Black guy who was curious about bourbon,” says OJ Lima, describing his impetus for co-founding Taste Select Repeat, an online members club that curates and ships hand-selected bottles and barrel picks from distilleries the world over.

Curiosity, as we all know, can be a fiery catalyst for change. When Lima and his friend and business partner Pierre Auguste first connected over a shared love of whiskey, neither could have imagined it they’d be carving a revolutionary niche in a historically homogenous industry. Let’s be real: The whiskey world can be an intimidating one for BIPOC, women, or even just sipping novices feeling overwhelmed by all the jargon...

Read the full article here


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